World Ozone Day

Department of Science & Technology, Government of Gujarat

International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
16th September 2011

If you have an old refrigerator, air-conditioner and also addict to lots of cosmetics and body sprays, then dispose all these old items and practices as these are releasing ozone depleting substances that make a hole in the protecting layer of Ultraviolet (UV) rays in the upper sky to prevent skin cancer, eye cataracts and a reduction in the ability to fight off diseases within you.

A single chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) molecule releasing from the old refrigerator, air-conditioner and body spay can destroy 1,00,000 ozone molecule in the sky and bring the deadly UV rays for severe disaster on ground.

Furthermore, UV radiation can be damaging to microscopic life in the surface oceans which forms the basis of the world’s food chain, certain varieties of vegetation including rice, wheat and soya crops, and polymers used in paints, clothing and other materials.

The Gujarat Science City (GSC) is organizing a series of scientific programmes and outreach activities on Ozone awareness to mark the celebration of “World Ozone Day” on 16th September 2011 (Friday).The theme of celebration is "‘HCFC phase-out: a unique opportunity’!

September 16th has been designated World Ozone Day by the United Nations, with the goal of continuing the awareness and monitoring of the condition of the ozone layer surrounding the Earth. This was the date in 1987, on which the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer was signed and the on 19 December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 16th September to be celebrated as the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

On this occasion, Science City organizes one day workshop on ozone awareness for school children and community members, an illustrative exhibition, slide and film show and popular science talk on the ozone theme, which aims to sensitize the students and the general visitors about the science of ozone layer and its importance to save life on earth. Students from Class VI to X are invited to participate in the Sit and Draw and Ozone Quiz competition being organized for this occasion.

About 150 school and college teachers, DNA club coordinators, Community Science Centre members from across the state have been invited to participate in the workshop and to take an orientation on ozone awareness and outreach activities and programmes for the school and community.

The programme will be inaugurated by Dr. S. Ramachandran, Research Scientist, Atmospheric Aerosols, Radiative & Climate Impacts, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad at 10.30 am in the auditorium I. Shri B. K. Tyagi, Principal Scientific Officer, Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi will conduct interactive ozone lesson for the students and teachers.

The World Ozone Day celebration reiterates our commitment and offers an opportunity to focus attention on the protection of Ozone Layer. Each of us can help to prevent further damage to this precious shield given to us by nature. Please click on the attached quiz to test your ozone awareness practices. 

GSC invites one and all to be a part of this celebration and to adopt a practice of using ozone friendly substances to protect our nature and environment.

Happy Ozone Day!

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