Moon Landing Anniversary
Moon Landing Anniversary
Remembering the moon landing 42 years on... ...
July 20, 1969 was a day of destiny. On that day, the human race moved just a little farther in its evolution. Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin took that famous "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" and humans stood on the moon for the first time.
Forty two years ago, the world stopped turning just for a minute, and everyone looked up.
Schools, office and public places in America and rest of the world came to a halt, while little boys and girls across the continents were dragged out of their beds to see the most important footprint in the history of the human race being set into the lunar dust.
At 3.00 am on July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong lowered himself down gently from the Eagle lander and became the first human on the moon.
While the giant leap for mankind didn't quite herald the era of space travel for all that many predicted, it was the first time the whole world joined together to celebrate something so amazing and positive for science.
When man set foot on the moon 42 years ago, he also set eyes on the earth... and, that changed everything.
But 42 years later, even the generations who consider the Apollo programme the subject of history books and the movies, the moon landing is the lasting image of the space era.
And with the memory of Armstrong and his brave colleagues lasting strong in the public consciousness, there is still a lot for us to stop to look up to.
Space technology impacts innumerable aspects of modern human life. Students from schools and colleges are encouraged to get inspire to the next generation using the excitement of space, and educate the educators about the value of space in the classroom.
Moon has played a major role in our life including stories, myths, plays, art and culture. For many, dream of flying to the Moon begins at a young age, and continues far into adulthood.
Only twelve astronauts have the experience of moon walking through the Apollo Space Mission during 1969 to 1972. It is now the chance for the 13th astronauts who can land on moon with new hopes and aspiration.
To celebrate the 42nd years of Lunar landing anniversary and to enrich children’s imagination and understanding, Gujarat Science City (GSC) is organsing a session on excitement in space science among the eminent scientists of Space Applications Centre of Indian Space research Organization tomorrow. About 250 school children have been selected to participate in the programme and to have a word with the scientists.
In addition, the students and visitors will screen the proud films on Chandrayaan and to have a walk through in the Hall of Space in Science City.
Our space science and research programme has provided inspiration – for the young and the not so young. It has encouraged uncounted youths to focus on science and technology. The idea of becoming an astronaut, as some certainly will, is a powerful motivation. So too is the prospect of using such an education to advance human knowledge and understanding in space.
GSC, working under the aegis of DST, Govt. of Gujarat is taking a bold new approach by informing the common public about the exciting world of science and technology. The goal is to break down communication barriers that exist between the researchers and the public so that all can understand and appreciate the importance of science and technology in our daily life.
We take this opportunity to request one and all to visit Gujarat Science City and to be a part of this awareness and understanding about our Moon Mission and to be ready to land on the Moon.
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