Happy Children's Day

Science City celebrates Children's day with Green Ideas.. ... ...
State Level Painting Competition on Water Conservation for school children and Capacity Building Programme for Energy Communicators for each districts

Happy Children's Day
Today is Children's Day. A great day for our children, the young achievers, leaders and the innovators.

As the childhood is about innocence and playfulness, it provides maximum joy, freedom and happiness.

If this joy, happiness and freedom of a child can be moulded in a right way, then our state and country will flourish with lots of innovations and fresh ideas and new and innovative leader, designer and nation builder.

With this, Gujarat Science City  in association with Central Ground Water Board (Western Region) is organizing state level drawing competitions for primary and upper primary school students across the state and about 50 selected and meritorious students are participating on the painting competition on the theme “Conserve Water for Future.

A total of one lakh twenty six thousand and ninety students from one thousand six hundred fifty eight schools participated at the School Level Competition. The selected 50 students will sit for the competition on the above topic for two hours to express their concern and creativity on sustainable water resources for our future white canvas.

Another 60 young graduates from 26 districts of the state have been invited for a capacity building programme for energy communicators. The young intellectual will get an orientation on energy audit and then visit 1800 schools in the state during next three months time. This is a programme of
GUJCOST in association with GEDA and Science City.

Prof. J.N. Goswami, Director, Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad.  Shri  J.K. Chandira, (IES), Deputy Director General (E) Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad and  Shri Dilip Gadhavi, Executive Director, Science City will grace the valedictory programme at 5.00 pm and to handover the certificates and prizes.

State Level Painting Competition winners will be awarded cash Prize of Rs. 10,000/- (First Prize), Rs. 8,000/- (Second Prize) and Rs.5,000/- (Third Prize), Ten Consolation Prizes (@Rs.1,000/-) will also be awarded.
Further, all the participating students will be given participating certificates.

14th November, Children’s day is special day for the children of our country as the date mark the birth anniversary of legendary freedom fighter and independent India’s first Prime Minister – Pundit JawaharlalNehru.

As a tribute to Nehru and his love for children, Children’s Day, reminds to each and every one of us, to renew our commitment to the better guidance and welfare of children and teach them to live by their
Chacha Nehru’s quality and dream.

As Science City celebrates the year 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry, the fresh and green ideas of the young intellectuals on energy and water conservation will be inspiring and encouraging for elders to practice for sustainable living.

We take this opportunity to invite one and all to attend the Children's Day programme at Science City and to encourage the young minds to achieve their best in career and life.

Let the young mind blossom… full of thought… the thought of prosperity!


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