International Earth Science Olympiad 2012

Invitation to Std. X & XI Students to participate in the International Earth Science Olympiad 2012 to be held at Argentina

Are you appearing for the Std. X or Std XI examination this year, having an interest in nature and science subject and would have a dream to go to Argentina during next October for an exploration or as an invited guest?

Then there is an invitation from International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), which is a world-wide prestigious scientific event, designed for the students of Std. X and XI across the globe. To make your dream true, the last date for submitting your application form is 2nd January 2012.

The International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), one of the twelve International Science Olympiads, is an annual competition for secondary school students that test their abilities in disciplines such as geology, meteorology, environmental science, and terrestrial astronomy.

The IESO is intended to raise student interest in and public awareness of Earth Science, to enhance Earth science learning of students, and to identify talented and gifted students in Earth science. The IESO is also developed in pursuit of encouraging friendly relationship among young learners from different countries and promoting international cooperation in exchanging ideas and materials about Earth science and Earth science education. The IESO is aimed at improvement of teaching of Earth science in school.

Gujarat has three examination centres at (i) Ahmedabad International School, (ii) Geoscience Department of M S University, Vadodara and (iii) Dept of Earth Science, KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj. to conduct the national level entrance test on the Sunday, 22nd January 2011. This would be the first step to participate in the 6th International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) 2012 to be held at Argentina during October 2012. 

The entry is through an all India entrance test with objective type questions to be held on January 22, 2012. The syllabus (with weightage) covers Geosphere (45), Atmosphere (20), Hydrosphere (15) and Astronomy (20).

About 20 meritorious students to be selected from the first test for the next Training Camp in Earth Sciences at Bengaloru during May 2012.

Four students will be finally chosen from among the Training Camp participants who will represent India at 6th IESO 2012 to be held during October 19-28, 2012 at Argentina.

The programme is being catalyzed and designed by the Geological Society of India with the coordination of Dr. R. Shankar, Professor of Marine Geology, Mangalore University.

Interested students may send their application form to the respective test centers along with a token examination fee of Rs.25/- on or before 2nd January 2012.

Gujarat Science City is instrumental in theoretical and practical training of the students and to maximize the enrollment and participation of Gujarat students in particular. Gujarat students are now inspired to participate in such prestigious science competitions and to bring laurel for their school, state and country.

Earth is a dynamic system that, like the human body, includes diverse parts interacting in complex ways. Understanding Earth requires understanding its air, land, water, ice sheets and life as an interconnected system—a system that is constantly changing on all scales of space and time. Recently, human activities have increasingly contributed to changes in the Earth system.

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  1. The Earth Science Olympiad Exam is really helping to create awareness among students about the earth matters and providing enough space to learn on the topics related to earth science. Thanks for sharing the information, please keep us updated on the topic and provide the latest information on it. All the best!

  2. Informative post on Earth Science Olympiad exam. Please share more details about its preparation and share insights on how to get good ranks in it. This will help students and guide them well for the Olympiad Exam. Please write regularly, Thanks!


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